You must read this if your child is addicted to pills!

I don’t need to recreate the wheel: this is a scary, but well written article, and there is no way I could have written it myself or better. But you need to read it.

Read how much these family’s loved their children, and didn’t know what to do to help.  How a counselor finally pointed out to Emily’s parents that they were babying her and trying to protect her and not letting her feel the consequences of her actions. How they tried everything. How they had to pay the ultimate price with Emily.

The families of addicts have to realize that they can love the addicted child, but they themselves, their love, will not cure the addiction. That some addicts do get well, and it is ok to hope for that; but it is not ok to keep living as if that is happening if it isn’t.  Families need to take care of themselves NO MATTER WHAT THE ADDICT DOES. That families need to shower all that love on themselves, parents showering each other and the other children, especially those still at home.  Families need to learn that it is OK to say no to the addict, and yes to themselves.

Read this article now . You will be sad, but you won’t be sorry.

Let me know what you think. Comments are open.