Welcome to my office!

Last Monday was a snowy, winter wonderland in Northern NJ, again. A great day to snuggle in and prorastinate. Alas, now the snow is melted and spring is in the air,so there is no excuse to procrastinate. So without further ado, Welcome to my office!


This is the door of my main office; I do have a home office in Vernon, if you live in that area. The main office is located in Montville Twp, in the town on Pine Brook, NJ at 339 Changbridge Road.  As you can see, I have a few partners, who offers a variety of services, including DBT, Holistic Health Counseling, and child psychology.



The waiting room is open and airy, and you can make yourself a cup of coffee or herbal tea while you wait.  Waiting time is usually short, as I book one appointment every hour.


I am very excited that we recently expanded, which gave us a larger waiting area, and a nice sized multi-purpose room; where we offer group therapy, training and personal growth seminars and workshops.