Crisis Prevention

This post flows from having read a recent article called “I am Adam Lanza’s mother in the Huffington Post. It was not written by Mrs. Lanza, but by Lisa Long, who has a difficult 13 year old son. We are not just taking about a bratty child. He is a child that she frequently has to take to the emergency room for threats of suicide or against her and his siblings. Her other children have an emergency plan of how to get to safety if he starts to act out. She has to collect all the sharp objects in her home and carry them with her.

She gave up her career as a free-lancer to get a job with benefits to get the help she needs for her son, although it sounds like there aren’t the resources they need that are actually available (or even that exist), let alone are covered by even “good “insurance. She cannot predict what will set her son off, or how a day will proceed. She wants help for her son. She needs help for herself and the rest of the family as well; I suspect that most of the resources go toward helping her problematic son. What must it be like for the siblings in such an environment, let alone the parents? [Read more…]

You must read this if your child is addicted to pills!

I don’t need to recreate the wheel: this is a scary, but well written article, and there is no way I could have written it myself or better. But you need to read it.

Read how much these family’s loved their children, and didn’t know what to do to help.  How a counselor finally pointed out to Emily’s parents that they were babying her and trying to protect her and not letting her feel the consequences of her actions. How they tried everything. How they had to pay the ultimate price with Emily.

[Read more…]

I wish I’d said that about addiction!

I’m reading and reviewing some books that I know will be helpful for my clients and for my potential clients.  These  books answer questions about addiction, alcoholism and recovery.  The propose solutions. Most of all, they offer hope.

Recommended Books is the place to see some of the books I recommend. 

Sometimes, when I read a passage, I think, I know that, I should just tell it. Then I think, why recreate the wheel? What I need to do is reinforce and share the message, and let suffering families know that I am here to help them map out and implement the plan for their particular situation. Information is great, but translating and implementing it, taking the difficult actions is so much easier with support. You, the family and friends, support the addict, who supports YOU????

Today’s recommendations:  No More Letting Go by Debra Jay.  Debra has a warm and conversational way of talking about what happens to families as a result of having an addict or alcoholic in the system. She also clarifies some of the “conventional” wisdom that is often misunderstood to mean “stand by and let the addict hit bottom.  It is ALWAYS a good time to take action to keep addiction from taking down the whole family and giving the addict or alcoholic opportunities to accept help.

Are you ready to get the support you need to take action? Schedule a time to talk with me so that I can help you figure out the first step YOU need to take.